● Education
Dashboard allows the users to analyze student applications over a period of time for all the courses taught at the institution. This enables the user to understand how effective student recruitment campaigns are and how the university is performing over a period of time. The application allows users to discover where applications are made with respect to geography, male and female breakdowns as well as applicants with disabilities, ethnical origin to support inclusion policies.
It must be noted that easily available benchmarking data could be incorporated into the application to measure one institution with another which is increasingly important within the sector, tuition fees could also be easily incorporated to inform users.
● Telecom
Visualize network Call Detail Record (CDR) datasets for KPIs in a mobile communications operator. These network CDRs have been derived from data collected by network probes to allow a more complete view of the customer’s interactions with the network - as well as allowing very detailed analyses, such as determining call end or handover cause codes and cell movement during calls. It showcases business discovery across key operational metrics with the ability to ask questions after question about dropped calls and setup times over time, specific intervals, relative measures, handset types, network transport and/or using location-based data to support the questioning.
● Banking
Business and risk have always been seen to go hand-in-hand and the need for banks to strengthen their risk management framework is vital. Exposing the true risk profile to the users has been a challenging business problem due to multiple data sources and differences in operational processes and metric definitions.
To mitigate this situation, a financial institution should provide a holistic view of the risks faced by the organization at any point in time. When up-to-date information on risks can be analyzed and put at the user's fingertips, firms will inevitably find it easier to maximize profit AND reduce risk.
● Insurance
Dashboard takes data from many different departments, and brings them together to provide a rich and complete analysis of an insurer’s performance. Users can drill down into a specific broker in a single location, and see which products are being sold, and which groups of people they are sold to. Bringing claims
data, loss ratios, and premium growth allow sophisticated analysis to take place.
● Healthcare
· Clinic:
focuses on clinical variation analysis within the orthopaedic department. Patient care can be analyzed by diagnosis, length of stay, complexity, age group, hospital and complication rate to uncover variation. The dashboard also calculates potential bed-days returned from improvements in length of stay down to diagnosis and clinician.
· Hospital Readmissions:
The hospital readmission reduction dashboard is designed to monitor and manage the readmissions of patients in the Medicare program. Medicare readmissions priority to 30 days post discharge for the same diagnosis will result in payment reductions to the hospital.
● Manufacturing
We will give you the ability to analyze various metrics important to the efficient running of a plant/production line. (Scrap - Plant Costs (including labor, material and overheads)
- Machine efficiency and production stats - Work order cycle time
● Retail
you will be able to analyze the sales in the latest month against target or drill down to a specific retail store, manager or sales agent. In addition, you can readily compare and contract sales performance across the enterprise.